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301-350 of 264,120
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chicken body louse
Menacanthus stramineus
Common Name
chicken body louse
Scientific Name
Menacanthus stramineus
Pest Category
Cimex lectularius
ventral view
Household, Poultry, Str...
Common Name
Scientific Name
Cimex lectularius
ventral view
Pest Category
Household, Poultry, Structural
green bottle fly
Phaenicia sericata
lateral view
Livestock, Poultry
Common Name
green bottle fly
Scientific Name
Phaenicia sericata
lateral view
Pest Category
Livestock, Poultry
hide beetle
Dermestes maculatus
Dorsal and ventral view...
Stored Food & Food Prod...
Common Name
hide beetle
Scientific Name
Dermestes maculatus
Dorsal and ventral views of adult
Pest Category
Stored Food & Food Products, Poultry, Museum
hide beetle
Dermestes maculatus
Dorsal, ventral, and la...
Stored Food & Food Prod...
Common Name
hide beetle
Scientific Name
Dermestes maculatus
Dorsal, ventral, and lateral view of pupae
Pest Category
Stored Food & Food Products, Poultry, Museum
hide beetle
Dermestes maculatus
Elytral apices on adult
Stored Food & Food Prod...
Common Name
hide beetle
Scientific Name
Dermestes maculatus
Elytral apices on adult
Pest Category
Stored Food & Food Products, Poultry, Museum
North American common c...
Trombicula alfreddugesi
Livestock, Poultry, Pet...
Common Name
North American common chigger
Scientific Name
Trombicula alfreddugesi
Pest Category
Livestock, Poultry, Pets & Veterinary Importance, Turfgrass
chicken mite
Dermanyssus gallinae
Pets & Veterinary Impor...
Common Name
chicken mite
Scientific Name
Dermanyssus gallinae
Pest Category
Pets & Veterinary Importance, Poultry
Cimex lectularius
bedbugs in wood
Household, Poultry, Str...
Common Name
Scientific Name
Cimex lectularius
bedbugs in wood
Pest Category
Household, Poultry, Structural
chicken mite
Dermanyssus gallinae
chicken mite-anal plate
Pets & Veterinary Impor...
Common Name
chicken mite
Scientific Name
Dermanyssus gallinae
chicken mite-anal plate
Pest Category
Pets & Veterinary Importance, Poultry
field cricket
Common Name
field cricket
Scientific Name
Gryllus pennsylvanicus
lateral view of male
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum, Household, Wheat, Corn, Small Fruits
striped ground cricket
Common Name
striped ground cricket
Scientific Name
Allonemobius fasciatus
dorsal view of male
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
field cricket
Common Name
field cricket
Scientific Name
Gryllus pennsylvanicus
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets,Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum, Household, Wheat, Corn, Small Fruits
Oriental cockroach
Common Name
Oriental cockroach
Scientific Name
Blatta orientalis
dorsal view of all life stages
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum, Stored Food and Food Products, Household
greenhouse stone cricke...
Common Name
greenhouse stone cricket
Scientific Name
Diestrammena asynamora
anterior, lateral view of adult
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Greenhouse, Household
American cockroach
Common Name
American cockroach
Scientific Name
Periplaneta americana
dorsal view of adult
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum, Greenhouse, Household, Stored Food and Food Products
Madagascar hissing cock...
Common Name
Madagascar hissing cockroach
Scientific Name
Gromphadorhina portentosa
dorsal view
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
straightlanced meadow k...
Common Name
straightlanced meadow katydid
Scientific Name
Conocephalus strictus
lateral view
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
Pennsylvania wood cockr...
Common Name
Pennsylvania wood cockroach
Scientific Name
Parcoblatta pennsylvanica
dorsal view of adult
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
Pennsylvania wood cockr...
Common Name
Pennsylvania wood cockroach
Scientific Name
Parcoblatta pennsylvanica
dorsal view of all life stages
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
brown-banded cockroach
Common Name
brown-banded cockroach
Scientific Name
Supella longipalpa
infestation in microscope machine
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum
blackhorned tree cricke...
Common Name
blackhorned tree cricket
Scientific Name
Oecanthus nigricornis
dorsal view of male
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Nuts
death's head cockroach
Common Name
death's head cockroach
Scientific Name
Blaberus craniifer
anterior view of head
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
Mormon cricket
Common Name
Mormon cricket
Scientific Name
Anabrus simplex
lateral view
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
blackhorned tree cricke...
Common Name
blackhorned tree cricket
Scientific Name
Oecanthus nigricornis
lateral view of male
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Nuts
house cricket
Common Name
house cricket
Scientific Name
Acheta domesticus
lateral view of adult eating leg
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Household
American cockroach
Common Name
American cockroach
Scientific Name
Periplaneta americana
life stages, dorsal view
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum, Greenhouse, Household, Stored Food and Food Products
striped ground cricket
Common Name
striped ground cricket
Scientific Name
Allonemobius fasciatus
posterior view of male
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
field cricket
Common Name
field cricket
Scientific Name
Gryllus pennsylvanicus
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum, Household, Wheat, Corn, Small Fruits
death's head cockroach
Common Name
death's head cockroach
Scientific Name
Blaberus craniifer
dorsal view of pronotum (shield)
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
greenhouse stone cricke...
Common Name
greenhouse stone cricket
Scientific Name
Diestrammena asynamora
dorsal view of adult
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Greenhouse, Household
brown-banded cockroach
Common Name
brown-banded cockroach
Scientific Name
Supella longipalpa
dorsal view
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum
Northern mole cricket
Common Name
Northern mole cricket
Scientific Name
Neocurtilla hexadactyla
anterior view
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Turfgrass
American cockroach
Common Name
American cockroach
Scientific Name
Periplaneta americana
lateral view of adult wedged in crevice
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum, Greenhouse, Household, Stored Food and Food Products
swordbearing katydid
Common Name
swordbearing katydid
Scientific Name
Neoconocephalus ensiger
lateral view of male
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
swordbearing katydid
Common Name
swordbearing katydid
Scientific Name
Neoconocephalus ensiger
dorsal view of female
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
blackhorned tree cricke...
Common Name
blackhorned tree cricket
Scientific Name
Oecanthus nigricornis
lateral view of male
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Nuts
surinam cockroach-life ...
Common Name
surinam cockroach-life stages
Scientific Name
Pycnoscelus surinamensis
dorsal view of adult and nymphs
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Greenhouse, Household
house cricket
Common Name
house cricket
Scientific Name
Acheta domesticus
lateral view of male
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Household
striped ground cricket
Common Name
striped ground cricket
Scientific Name
Allonemobius fasciatus
lateral view of female
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
blackhorned tree cricke...
Common Name
blackhorned tree cricket
Scientific Name
Oecanthus nigricornis
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Nuts
smokybrown cockroach
Common Name
smokybrown cockroach
Scientific Name
Periplaneta fuliginosa
dorsal view of adult and nymphal stages
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Household, Greenhouse
striped ground cricket
Common Name
striped ground cricket
Scientific Name
Allonemobius fasciatus
lateral view of female
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
blackhorned tree cricke...
Common Name
blackhorned tree cricket
Scientific Name
Oecanthus nigricornis
anterior view of head
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Nuts
brown-banded cockroach
Common Name
brown-banded cockroach
Scientific Name
Supella longipalpa
dorsal view of all life stages
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum
restless bush cricket
Common Name
restless bush cricket
Scientific Name
Hapithus agitator
dorsal view
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
Madagascar hissing cock...
Common Name
Madagascar hissing cockroach
Scientific Name
Gromphadorhina portentosa
dorsal view
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets
brown-banded cockroach
Common Name
brown-banded cockroach
Scientific Name
Supella longipalpa
dorsal view of adult female and oothecae
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum
snowy tree cricket
Common Name
snowy tree cricket
Scientific Name
Oecanthus fultoni
lateral view
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Nuts
Oriental cockroach
Common Name
Oriental cockroach
Scientific Name
Blatta orientalis
dorsal view of male (left), female (middle), nymph (right)
Pest Category
Cockroaches and Crickets, Museum, Stored Food and Food Products, Household
301-350 of 264,120
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