A' spese dell'autore
A. & S. Arrowsmith
A. A. Knopf
A. Brue
A. Fullarton
A. Logerot
A. Reichenbecher
A. Testard
A. Zeese & Co.
A.J. Johnson & Son.
Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-
Abdulqader, M.
Academie Royale des Scien
Accademia cosmografica
Adam & Charles Black
Adam et Giraldon
Adprint Ltd.
Aime Andre.
Akisato, Yamane
Alfred Chardon
American Stationer's Co.
Andrews, J.
Anthony Finley
Antoninus Augustus
Antonio Zatta
Apian, Peter, 1495-1552
Appleton, D. & Co.
Appresso gli heredi di Me
Apud Hugonem a Porta
Arniel, M.S.
Arrowsmith, Aaron Jr.
Atlas in Cornhill
Atwood, A.B.
B. Domann
Baehr, J.L.
Baird, S.F
Baird, Spencer F.
Bakgof, Eduard Gustavovic
Bar, J.C.
Baranova, A, N.
Baransky, Nikolay Nikola
Barich, C.
Bartholomew, J.
Bartholomew, J. G. (John
Bartholomew, John
Bartholomew, John, 1831-
Bauerkeller, Georg Leonh
Bayer, Herbert
Bebber, Wilhelm Jacob van
Berghaus, H.
Berghaus, Heinrich
Berman, S.S.
Bertarelli, L. V.
Berthelemier, Jules
Bertius, Petrus, 1565-16
Bevan, G.P.
Bezzera, Paolo
Bibliographischen Institu
Bibliographisches Instit
Black, Adam
Black, Adam & Charles
Black, Charles
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673
Blair, William
Blodget, Lorin
Bodenehr, Gabriel, 1664-1
Boehmer, C.
Bonne, R.
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-179
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-17
Boreux, J.
Bottius, Adrianus
Boue, M.M.A.
Boynton, G.W. & Co.
Bradbury & Evans
Bradford, Thomas G.
Braun, Georg, 1541-1622
Brewster, David
Briet, Philip, 1601-1668
Brockhaus, F.A.
Bröuckner, Isaak, 1686-1
Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786
Burgoyne, Alan H.
Burnham & Root
Busching, Anton Friedric
C. Inselin
C. Picquet
C.G. Luderitz
C.G. Reichard
C.S. Hammond & Co.
C.S. Hammond & Company
C.S. Hammond & Company. L
Calcogr. Camerale
Carey and Hart
Carey, Mathew
Cassini, Gio. Ma. (Giova
Chambers, W. & R.
Chapman & Hall
Chapman, F.A.
Chappell, Warren
Chez Evert Cloppenburgh
Chez Henri du Sauzet
Chez l'Auteur
Chez le Sr. A. Hubert Ja
Chez Mess. J. Nourse & P.
Chez N. de Fer
Chez Nicolas Langlois
Chez Piere Du Val
Chez Pierre Mortier
Chez Pierre Van der Aa
Civelli, Giuseppe
Cloistre de S Nicolas d
Cobb, Henry Ives
Cockerill, Thomas, acti
Colby, Charles A.
Colton, G.W.
Colton, J.H.
Columbian World's Fair A
Composing Room, Inc.
Container Corporation of
Cooper, H. J., engraver
Cope, Edward D.
Corbellini, P.
Corbetta, F.
Cornelis Claes
Coronelli, Vincenzo (16
Covens & Mortier
Covens et Mortier
Cram, George
Cram, George Franklin
Cramoisy, Gabrielis
Cramoisy, Sebastiani
Crapelet, Georges Adrien
Croome, W.
Cumming, J.
Cummins Map Co.
D'Angelo, Jacopo
d'Winter, A.
D. Appleton & Co.
D. McLellan & Bros.
Dangeau, abbe de, 1643-1
Davies and Roberts
Davies, Jo.
de la Hire
Dean, T.A.
Debenham, Frank
Debes, Ernst, 1840-1923
Delamarche, Felix.
Delavault, A.
Desbuissons, L.E.
Dietrich Reimer
Direction & Administratio
Doepler, C.E.
Domann, B.
Dormann, B.
Dower, John
du Sauzet, Henri
Du Val, Pierre, 1619-16
Duenewald Printing
Dury, Andrew.
Dury, Sayer, & Bowles.
Duysburgi Clivorum
Dürer, Albrecht
E.H. Butler.
Eberhardt, H.
Edme Mentelle and Malte
Edward Stanford
Engelmann & Compagnie, S.
Euler, Leonhard
Ewald, Ludwig 1813-1881
Ex officina Michaelis
F. Corbetta
F. Delamarche
F. Koegel
F.A. Brockhaus
F.A. Chapman
Faden, William, 1749-183
Fenner, Rest.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1
Fielding Lucas
Fielding Lucas Jr.
Finley, Anthony
Fisher, Richard Swainso
Foges, Wolfgang
Forbes, Edward
Forbes, James D.
Francois Delarue, Bulla F
Francois Fabri
Fries, Lorenz
G. Civelli
G. W & C. B. Colton & Co.
G.F. Cram
G.F. Cruchley
G.W. & C.B. Colton
Gabriel Bodenehr
Gamble, W.H.
Garden City Publishing Co
Gaspar Trechsel
Gastaldi, Giacomo
Gaultherot, Vivant
Geerz, F.
Gemma, Frisius, 1508-155
General Drafting Co., Inc
Geographical Project, Lt
Geographical Publishing
George F. Cram
George F. Cram & Co.
George Philip & Son
George Philip & Son, Ltd.
George Russell & Co.
Gielis Coppens van Diest
Gioan. Baptista Pedrezan
Giuseppe Moletti, M.
Glavnoe upravlenie geodez
Global Press Corp.
Goodrigh, S.G.
Goos, Abraham
Gorkin, Aleksandr Fedorov
Goulart, James
Gray, O.W.
Gray, Ormando Willis
Grueninger, Johann
Guyot, Arnold
H. Eberhardt
H. Messerschmidt
H. Wagner & E. Debes
H.S. Tanner
Haack, H.
Habenicht, H.
Hafız Ali Eşref
Hall, S.
Hall, Sidney
Hall, Sydney
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, T.H.
Hammond, C.S.
Harper & Brothers
Harrison, Richard Edes
Hart & Mapother.
Hassel, S. G. H., 1779-18
Hayden, Sophia
Heck, G.
Heck, Johann Georg, -1857
Heck, Johann Georg, 1795
Hendrickson, James
Henrichum Petrum
Henry S. Tanner,
Henry Tanner
Hewitt, N.R.
Heywood, A.
Higgins, W.M.
Hitchcock, Charles H.
Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight
Hoefnagel, Joris, 1542-
Hogenberg, Frans
Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-
Homann, Johann Baptist (1
Homann, Johann Baptist,
Hondius, Iodocus, 1563-
Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Hughes, William
Humboldt, Alexander von
Humboldt, Alexander von,
Hunt, Marianne
Hunt, Richard, Morris
Inselin, C.
Institute of Social and R
Instituto Geografico di
Instituto Geographico di
Ioannes Janssonius
Iohan Buxemacher
Isaacus Elzevirius
Iudoci Hondii
Izd. A.F. Marksa
J. & C. Walker
J. David Williams
J. De Cordova
J. H. Colton.
J.B.P. Tardieu
J.C. Hinrichs
J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buch-
J.H. Colton
J.W. Clement Co.
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert,
James MacLeod and Francis
James Wyld
James, George Wharton
Jan Baptista Vrients
Janvier, Jean Denis.
Jean-Leonard Pellet
Jenny, W.L.B.
Joan Blaeu
Joh. Wurster u. Comp.
John Bartholomew & Co.
John Bartholomew & Son L
John Bartholomew and Son
John Hamilton
John Senex
John Thomson
Johnson & Browning
Johnson and Ward
Johnson, A.J.
Johnson, Alvin Jewett, 1
Johnston, A. Keith
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, Alexander Keit
Johnston, W. & A.K.
Jones, C.H.
Jonghaus & Venator's Kar
Joseph Philipp Schalbache
Justus Perthes
Justus Perthus
Kamenetsky, Vladimir Ale
Kehnert, H.
Kehnert, K.
Kehnert. H.
Key, T. Hewett
Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1
Knowles Hare, J.
Koberger Emden Johannes
Koffmahn, O.
Kohler, A. H.
Kohler, A. Hugo
Kohler, A.H.
Kombst, Gustaf
Koppen, W.
Kuhn, E.
Kutafʹev, S. A.
L'Isle, Guillaume de, 16
L. Johnson & Co.
Langhans, Paul
Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-
Lattre & Delalain
Lattre, Jean
Lattre, Jean, 1743 -1793
Leeder, Ehrenfried
Les Auteurs
Lettre et Jean Thomas Her
Leutemann, H.
Leutemann, Heinrich
Librairie Hachette
Librairie Larousse
Linschoten, Jan Huygen
Lizars, Daniel
Lizars, W.H.
Lizars, William Home, 178
Logerot, A.
London Geographical Insti
London Geographical Insti
Lothian, John
Lowry, J.W.
Lowry, Joseph Wilson
Lubbock, John
Lucas, Fielding Jr.
M. Carey and Son
M. Kern
Magimel, Anselin, et Poch
Magini, Giovanni Antonio
Malte-Brun, Conrad, 1775
Manuscript. Saint-Omer
Marinelli, O.
Marks, A. F. (Firm)
Marmocchi, Francesco Con
Mathew Carey
Matthaeus Seutter
Matthews-Northrup Co.
Matthews-Northrup Divisio
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea,
McGraw-Hill Book Company
McKim, Charles
McLellan, D. & Bros.
Melle Du Val
Mentelle, Edme, 1730-181
Mercator, Gerhard, 151
Meyer, Herrmann Julius, 1
Migeon, J.
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Monte (Monti), Urbano, 15
Morden, Robert, approxi
Morse, Charles W.
Mortier, Pierre
Motylev, V.E.
Muhlert, K.F.
Munster, Sebastian, 1448
Murchison, I.
Murray-Aaron, Eugene, 185
Nauchno-izdatelskim Insti
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Nichol, J.P.
Nicolaus, Cornelius
Nicolosi, Giovanni Battis
Nikitin, M. V.
No Publisher
Novellanus, Simon, d. 1
Novelli, Pietro Antonio
O. Hess
O.W. Gray & Son
Ode, Henri
Orr & Smith
Ortelius, Abraham
Ortelius, Abraham, 1527
P. Gosse
Paepcke, Walter P.
Palairet, Jean
Paludanus, Bernard, 155
Peabody and Stearns
Peake, Elmore Elliott
Pedrezano, Giovanbattist
Pergamon Press
Perkins, Joseph
Peter von Brachel
Petermann, A.
Petri, Eduard Iulevic, 18
Petri, Girolamo
Peutinger, Conrad
Ph. Vandermaelen
Philco Radio & Televisio
Philip, George
Philip, Son & Nephew
Philip, Son & Nephew, Ltd
Pickersgill, H.W.
Picquet, C.
Pirckheimer, Willibald
Pirckheimer, Willibald,
Pitteri, Giovanni
Pitteri, Giovanni Marco
Placide de Sainte-Helene,
Poirson, J.B.
Polish Army Topography S
Porter, Thomas C.
Post, George B.
Presso Antonio Zatta
Ptolemy, Claudius
Quad, Matthias, 1557-161
R. White
R. Wilkerson
Raisz, Erwin
Rand McNally and Company
Rand, McNally & Co.
Rand, McNally & Co.'s
Ravenstein, Ludwig
Raynal, G.T.
Regiomontanus, Joannes
Reichard, Christian Gott
Rhode, Johann Christoph
Ricordi (Firm)
Riedel, C.T.
Riedig, C.G.
Ritter, Carl
Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni A
Robert de Vaugondy, Didie
Robert de Vaugondy, Gille
Robert Jennings
Robert Wilkinson
Rogers, H.D.
Rohrbach, Dr. C.
Rosaccio, Giuseppe
Rudolph Garrigue
Ruhle von Lilienstern, Au
Ruscelli, Girolamo
Russell (Firm)
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, J. Scott
S. Highley; W. Curry, Jun
S.A. Mitchell Jr.
Saadet Kitabkhaneh
Saltonstall, Wye
Salzmann, H.
Sandersonn, Jo.
Sanson, Guillaume (1633
Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1
Sauerbrey, Nicolaus Fried
Sautina, I.V.
Scherrer C.
Scherrer, C.
Schmettau, Samuel
Schonberg & Co.
Schraembl, Franz Anton
Sebastiani and Gabrielis
Senex, John (c.1678-174
Servetus, Michael
Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678
Shaposhnikova, B. M.
Sharpe, J.
Shmidt, O. Y.
Shokalskago,Iu. M.
Silishchensky, Mitrofan
Simon and Schuster
Simpkin, Marshall & Co.
Smith, Philip
Society for the Diffusio
Sonnenschein & Allen
Sonnenschein, W. Swan
Sovetskaya Entsiklopediy
Sparke, Michael
Speed, John, 1542-1629
Spelman, Henr.
Sr de Fer
Stanford, Edward
Stanford, Edward, 1827-19
Stedman, Brown & Lyon
Stein, C.G.D.
Stein, Christ. Gottfr. D
Stieler, Adolf
Stockley, S.
Streit, F.W.
Streit, Friedrich Wilhel
Stulpnagel, F.v.
Sullivan, Louis
T. Brown & W. & D. Lizars
T. Cotes for Michael Sp
Taintor Brothers & Merril
Tait, William
Tanner's Geographical Est
Tanner, Henry S.
The Times
Thomas Bassett and Rich
Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co
Thomson, John
Time Inc.
Tipografia della Revere
Tisdale, E.
Touring club italiano
Typis Roberti Bruneau
U. S. Department of Comme
U.S. Office of War Inform
United States Army Servi
USSR (Union of Soviet Soc
V. Batelli e Compagni
V. Mascardi
Van Brunt & Howe
Van Loon
Vandermaelen, Philippe, 1
Ve. Le Normant
Vincenzo Valgrisi
Viuantium Gaultherot
Vivien St Martin, L.
Vogel, C.
Vogel, C.l
Vrients, Jan Baptista
Vuillemin, A.
Vuillemin, Alexandre
W. & A.K. Johnston
W. & A.K. Johnston Limite
W. Curry, Jun. & Co.
W. Weiler
W.& A.K. Johnston
W.H. Lizars
W.S. Orr
W.W. Boyington & Co.
Wagner, K. Th.
Wagner, Karl Theodor
Weller, Edward.
Welser, Marcus
Western Publishing Compan
Whitney-Graham Co.
Whitney-Graham Company, I
Whittaker, Treacher & Co.
Whittaker, Treacher, & Co
Wiley & Long
Wilkinson, Robert
William Blackwood
William Blackwood & Sons
William Clowes & Son Ltd
William D. Ticknor
Williams, J.David
Williams, W.
Wise, C.
Wm. Faden
WMO, Unesco, Cartographia
Wojskowe Zaklady Kartogr
Wolff, H.
Wood Brothers
Woodward, S.P.
World Meteorological Orga
World Publishing Company
Wurster, Randegger & Cie.
Wyld, James, 1790-1836
Wyld, James, 1812-1887
Wytfliet, Corneille
Zatta, Antonio, active 1
Ziegler, J. M.
Zuliani, Giuliano
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World Atlas and Text Page
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944
Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944
Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
Silishchensky, Mitrofan Ivanovich 1878 - 1944
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
Hafız Ali Eşref
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]
[Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, Cockerill, Thomas, active 1674-1702]