Oak leaf cigarette papers in leather case. These oak leaf cigarette papers are of the type which are sometimes used by individual peyotists during the peyote ceremony. They are not as important a vehicle of prayer as the cornhusk cigarettes. The leaves, in their case, were given to James Howard by Frank Dupuis, a peyote leader of Northern Iowa and Omaha Indian descent (see 17, above), in 1957. Dupuis stated that he had been given the leaves and their case by an Omaha Indian peyotist named Grant a few months perviously. The pictures of Omaha Indian women and children, and the photograph of Grant, accompanied the papers in their leather case
Oak leaf cigarette papers in leather case. These oak leaf cigarette papers are of the type which are sometimes used by individual peyotists during the peyote ceremony. They are not as important a vehicle of prayer as the cornhusk cigarettes. The leaves, in their case, were given to James Howard by Frank Dupuis, a peyote leader of Northern Iowa and Omaha Indian descent (see 17, above), in 1957. Dupuis stated that he had been given the leaves and their case by an Omaha Indian peyotist named Grant a few months perviously. The pictures of Omaha Indian women and children, and the photograph of Grant, accompanied the papers in their leather case