University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries The Douglas' Prints of the L i b r a r y of C o n gr es s by Howard Grey Douglas Copyright H)OI H O WARD GREY D OU GLA S Washington, D. C. The copy right ori ginals of the pi ctures illustrati ng this catalogue are dul y prot ected according to law, and all ri ghts a re reserved. Printed by GR I FI• ITH, AXT E LL & C A DY C O . Hol yoke, Mass. ~,e:μxoclttction.s of tlt.e ~ttral ~,e,eo~ation.s of tlte ~-etu ~ilrxaxn of C!hntgx-, at ~a.sltington MR. HOWARD GREY DOUGLAS, in presenting this catalog, begs to call attention to the significance of this building and the encouragement it gives to American Art, which can hardly be overestimated. It has been said by an eminent artist, that the one great opportunity for modern art lies in the direction of Mural paintings. In making these reproductions, the aim has been to produce a replica of the original, differing only in the absence of color. The relative value, each to the other, of all colors has been retained. The entire series of reproductions are finished in black or sepia platinum, the most permanent and beautiful of photographic processes. The prices given are for unmounted prints. Prices for appropriate and elegant mounts will be furnished on application. alcranbcr " THE EVOLUTION OF THE BOOK " Six D ecorations No . 1 THE CAIRN A company of men of prehistoric time raising a heap of boulders to commemorate some notable event. No. 2 ORAL TRADITION T he chieftain of the village, an Arab, relating his tale to an absorbed group of listeners. No. 3 EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHICS An Egyptian workingman chiseling an inscription in stone over the portal of a temple . By his side, on the scaffold , sits a girl watching his work . In the distance rises a pyramid. No. 4 PICTURE WRITING An American In dian painting upon a deer skin the story of his tribe. No. 5 THE MANUSCRIPT BOOK A n interior of a monastery in the Middle Ages. A monk is seen seated in the dim light of an arched window, inscribing th e events of the time in a great book. No. 6 THE PRINTING PRESS The last picture of the ·series, showing Gutenberg, the inventor of printing, in his office, with an assistant, examining a proof sheet, and discussing his great invention . EACH IN F IVE SI ZE S 4 X 7, $0.40 5½ X 9½, $0.75 7½ X 13½, $ 1. 50 I O X t 6½ , $2 ,00 13 X 19½ , $J.OO t \ • \ 1 \ r \, r l.' \ ' \ ' I . I I.' ' I I ' ' l ' N o. 5. The M anuscrip t Book jf Ji t n 0 n THE GRACES- ( Octagon in Shape ) Three Decorations No. 7 AGLAIA Patroness of pastoral life and husbandry sits on a bank of flowers, with a shepherdess crook , and blossoms 111 her hair. N o . 8 THALIA Patroness of art, is seated on a marble bench, by her side is a lyre, emblematic of Music, and in the distance a Greek Temple for Architecture. N o. g EUPROSYNE Patroness of human loveliness of person and mind, contemplates in a mirror her own fair face . THE SEASONS- -( Circular in Shape ) Four D ecorat ions Each P e rsonified by a Sing le Female Fig ure N o. IO SPRING No. II SUMMER N o. 1 2 AUTUMN No. 13 WINTER The distinction of each season is indicated by varying landscape and developmen t of vegetation , as well as by the treatment and coloring. EACH IN T W O SIZ ES 7½ X 7½, $0.75 IO½ X IO½ , $ I.50 N o . 39 . Hercules n p 0 n 0 f TWO DECORATIONS N o. 14 TH E A RT S Poetry, a young and beautiful woman, crowned with laurel, is seated in an attitude of inspiration. At her feet two genii record and sing her song. N o . 15 T H E S CIE NCES-Corresponding to A rts The central figure is Astronomy, measuring a celestial sphere, which is held up to her by an attendant genius. Another genius on the opposite side is looking through a telescope. On the right and left are Botany, Geology, Physics, Mathematics and Zoology. EACH IN THREE SIZES 6 X 13 ½ , $1.50 7 X 16½ , $2.00 9 X 19 ½ , $3.00 jfreberick JJBielman TWO DECORATIONS IN MOSAIC N o. 16 HI STORY The central figure represents History with recording pen and gold-clasped volume. On either sides are pan els with the names of great historians. On each of the decorations are two seated figures, representing M ythology and Tradition. In the back-ground, behind History, the Parth enon of Greece, behind M ythology, the Pyramids of Egypt, and behind Tradition, the Colosseum of Rome. N o. 17 L AW- Corresponding to H istory The central figure representing Law, a woman of radiant countenance, wearing the ::egis, enthroned upon a dais. At her feet are th e doves of Peace, the bound volume of the law and scales of justice. She holds a palm branch toward Truth with her lilies, Peace with a branch of olive, and Industry with his artisan's cap, hammer and forge . On the oth er side is interposed the sword • against skulking Fraud, Discord and Violence. EACH I N FIVE SI ZES 4 X 7, $0.40 5½ X 9½, $0.75 8 X 13 ½ , $t .50 10 X 16½ , $2.00 13 X 19 ½ , $3.00 JBobgt FIVE DECORATIONS No. 18 AMBITION-Circular in Shape Allegorical. Various aspirants are pictured as having attained the utmost verge of human attainments, where with eager gaze and outstretched arms, they reach toward Glory, who is floating far above them, and riding her winged horse Pegasus and trumpeting Fame. No. 19 LITERATURE Has for its leading personage the Genius of Wisdom, with open book. Tragedy and Comedy holding a mask, a poet is about to be crowned by Fame, and a mother is instructing her children. No. 20 MUSIC Apollo playing upon his lyre is accompanied by other mus1c1ans playing upon the violin, pipes, cithara, mandolin, cymbals and trumpets. No. 21 SCIENCE Electricity is represented in the central figure, by motor, phonograph, and telephone, kneeling to receive from winged Fame the laurel wreath of renown. Franklin's kite is seen on the ground. No. 22 ART A nude female model occupies the central position. A student is drawing from this model, while on each side are seen a sculptor . chiseling a sphinx and a woman decorating a vase. No. 18 IN THREE SIZES 7½ X 7½, $0,75 IO ½ X 10½ , $1.50 13 ½ X 13 ½ , $2,00 THE OTHERS 4½ X 13 ½, $1.50 5½ X 16½ , $2,00 7½ X 19 ½ , $3.00 jfblapnarb POMPIIAN PANELS Eight Decorations No. 23 COURAGE Wearing a casque, is equipped with sword and buckler. No. 24 PATRIOTISM Supports on her arm the American Eagle, which is being fed from a golden bowl. No. 25 JUSTICE Supporting in one hand a globe, and m the other holds upright a drawn sword. No. 26 FORTITUDE Is armor-clad, with casque, cuirass and greaves, and is armed with buckler and mace. No. 27 CONCORDIA Holds an olive branch in one hand, and in the other a cornicopia from which she is pouring grains of wheat, symbolic of prosperity. No. 28 INDUSTRY H olds the spindle and distaff. No. 29 TEMPERANCE Is pouring water from a pitcher. No. 30 PRUDENCE H olds a mirror in one hand and a serpent in the other. These are female figures in light drapery, floating upon a vermilion ground . EACH IN FOUR SIZES 4 X 7, $0.40 5½ X 9½, $0.75 8 X 13 ½ , $1.50 13 X 19½, $3.00 No . 69. Endymion ,r 1 Walter GREEK HEROES Nine Decorations No. 31 PARIS Is visiting at the Court of Sparta, and is being entertained by Menelaus, whose wife, Helen, the most beautiful of women, has been promised to Paris by Venus, for his wife. N o. 32 JASON Is enlisting the Grecian heroes m the quest for the Golden Fleece. No. 33 BELLEROPHON Receives from Minerva the golden bridle with which to guide the winged horse Pegasus, to aid him in slaying the Chimaera, a monster with lion' s head, goat's body, and dragon's tail. No. 34 ORPHE US Slain by the Bacchantes, in one of their orgies, because being dazed by grief for his dead wife Eurydice, he could not play the joyful strains required of him. N o. 35 PROMETHEUS Is warning his brother Epimetheus, not to accept Pandora from the gods. Pandora holds the fateful box, from which were let fly all human ills. Hope alone remaining behind to bless mankind. N o. 36 THESEUS Having borne his wife Ariadne away with him from Crete, is deserting her on the island of Naxos, at the command of Minerva. No. 37 ACHILLES Is at the Court of Lycomedes, disguised as a woman, where Ulysses as a peddl er of trinkets, discovers him. Achilles, being attracted by a sword, thus reveals his sex. No. 38 PERSEUS Returning to Seriphos, Perseus finds his mother, Dame, being persecuted by Polydectes in suit for her hand. Coming to the King's palace, while the King and Court are at dinner, he draws the head of the Gorgcn Medusa from his wallet, and turns the entire company to stone. No . 39 HERCULES Is shown wearing a woman's garb, and spinning with Omphale, Queen of Lydia, to whom he was sold as a slave by Mercury for three years, for having in anger killed a man . EACH IN FIVE SIZES 4 X 7, $0.40 5½ X 9½, $0.75 7½ X 13½ , $1.50 IO X 16½, $2.00 13 X 19 ½ , $3.00 6a , r t ffl t 1 c b t r s TWO DECORATIONS N o.40 WAR Represents a chieftain of some primitive tribe returning from a successful battle. He is crown ed with a laurel wreath and sits proudly on a magnificent white horse ; besides him rides another warrior and still another a little behind. Th e dogs of war are straining at the leash; on a roughly constructed bier a dead warrior is being brought home; a woman kneels beside a wounded warrior to give him succor. No. 41 P E ACE A religious procession of the early ages, perhaps in prehistoric Greece, approaches the border of a grove. They bear the image of their titular goddess. The procession having halted, the priest is pronouncing a blessing upon the fields and orchards of the villages. EACH IN FOUR SIZES 4 X 9½, $0.75 b X 13 ½, $1.50 7½ X 16½ , $2.00 B½ x 19 ½, $3.00 No . 43 . Religion ~prague Jtarce SIX D E CORATIONS No. 42 F AMILY The head of the household is returning to his fam ily after a day's hunting. He is the central figure, his bow unstrung, is rece1v111g a welcome home . His wife is holding out his baby boy, a young daughter is clinging to his garments, his aged mother, with hands clasped over the head of her staff, looks up from the rock on which she is sitting, the old father lays aside his scroll which he has been reading, an older daughter leans against a tree near the mother. The scene is near the mouth of a cave in the open. No. 43 RELIGION Two worshippers, boy and girl, kneeling in devotion before a stone altar, from which ascends the fire and smoke of their sacrifice. No. 44 LABOR Two young farmers with their rude implements are clearing the land of stumps. No. 45 STUDY Two girls seated, are studying with books and a pair of compasses. No. 46 RECREATION A standing figure of a young girl is playing upon a tambourine, while another young girl is sitting with hands clasped on knees listening. N o. 47 REST Two girls, robed in white, in an attitude of rest, are reclining beside an inviting pool. EA CH IN FIVE S IZES 4 X 7, $0.40 5½ X 9½, $0.75 7½ X 13 ½ , $1.50 IO X 16½ , $2.00 13 X 19½ , $3.00 ~immon~ THE MUSES Nine Decorations No. 48 MELPOMENE Muse of Tragedy, is accompanied by the tragic mask. The genii hold laurel crown and brazier of fire . No. 49 CLIO Muse of History, is accompanied by the helmet, typifying warlike exploits recorded by history . No. 50 EUTERPE Muse of Lyric Poetry, is accompanied by the flute . No. 51 TERPSICHORE Muse of the Choral Dance. Is represented as swaying to the music of the dance, and is striking a pair of cymbals. No. 52 ERATO Muse of Love Poetry. A nude figure, holding a rose in her hand, the flower of love: a crouching lioness typifies her universal sway. · No. 53 POLYHYMNIA Muse of Inspired Song and Sacred Music, holds in her lap an open book. No. 54 THALIA Muse of Gaiety, Pastoral Life and Corned y, accompanied by a Satyr with goat's legs and carrying Pan's pipes. No. 55 URANIA Muse of Astronomy, has the clestial globe to which she is pointing. No. 56 CALLIOPE Muse ofEpic Poetry and Eloquence. On each side of her are genii. One holds a scroll, the other peacock feathers, the latter probably symbolical of the beauty and dignity of Epic. EACH IN FIVE S IZES 4 X 7, $0.40 5½ X 9½ , $0.75 7½ X 13 ½ , $ 1.50 IO X 16 ½ , $2.00 13 ½ X 19½ , $3.00 (ff l , t b u t b b t r FIVE DECORATIONS No. 59 GOVERNMENT The abstract ideas. No. 60 CORRUPT LEGISLATION Springing from above. No. 61 ANARCHY Which logicall y follows to No. 62 GOOD ADMINISTRATION Which naturally leads to No. 63 PEACE AND PROSPERITY The series is stately in treatment and striking in symbolism. EACH IN TWO SIZES 5½ X 9½, $0,75 9½ X 13 ½, $l 50 No. 64 MINERVA-Mosaic Decoration The Minerva of Peace displays .a scroll held in her hand, inscribed upon which is a list of the Sciences, Arts and Letters. In her right hand she carries her spear. Upon her breast is the ,egis, with Gorgon's head, plates of steel, and border of entwined serpents, and at her feet lie helmet and shield. On her right is the owl, on her left a statuette of Nike, the Winged Victory of the Greeks, standing upon a globe, and extending the wreath of victory and the palm branch of peace. EACH IN FIVE SIZES 4 x 7, $0.40 5½ x 9½, $0.75 1½ x 13 ½ , 'l, 13½ X 19 ½ , $3,00 Jfngen r TWO DECORATIONS No . 57 IL PENSOROSO A single figure, a beautiful woman with dark hair and pensive eyes, leaning her head upon her hand in an attitude of contemplation. No. 58 L'ALLEGRO A young woman sparkling with laughter, playing under the trees with children . EACH IN TWO SIZES 5½ X 9½, $0.75 7½ X 13½, $I.50 Walker SEVEN DECORATIONS No. 65 LY RIC P OE TRY The central figure is an idealization of the Muse, laurel crowned, and playing upon a lyre. She is attended by figures representing the attributes of Lyric Poetry, Beauty, Mirth, Passion, Pathos, Truth and Devotion. N o. 66 COMUS The enchanter, listening to the song of a lady. N o . 67 ADON IS Slain by the wild boar. N o. 68 GANY ME DE The cup-bearer of the gods. N o. 69 E NDY MION The lowly sheph erd boy of Mount Latmos; with whom Diana in her chariot of the moon fell in love as she saw him sleeping. N o. 70 B O Y O F W INAND E R " By the glimmering lake'' "At evening when the earliest stars began To move along the edge of the hill." N o. 71 URI EL The winged angel sitting alone unmoved by the anger of his companion spirits. EACH IN FIVE S IZES 4 X 7, $0.40 5½ X 9½, $0.75 7½ X IJ½ , $ I.SO IO X 16½ , $ 2,00 IJ X 19 ½, $J.OO No. 48. M elpomene JI, I a THE SEASONS Four Medallions No. 72 SPRING No. 73 SUMMER No. 74 AUTUMN No. 75 WINTER EACH IN TWO SIZES 7½ X 7½, $0 ,75 IO½ X IO ½, $1.50 r a t t ARCHITECTURAL VIEWS No. 100 Exterior View of the Library from Dome of Capitol. No. 101 Exterior View of the Library from Street. No. 102 Bronze Fountain . No. 103 Grand Entrance Pavilion. No. 104 Bronze Doors. No. 105 Glimpse in Vestibule Showing Grand Stairway. No. 106 Glimpse in Vestibule Showing Walker's Uriel. No. 107 Glimpse in Vestibule Showing Pearce's Religion. No. 108 Family Corridor Showing "The Family " by Pearce. No. 109 Poet's Corridor Showing" Lyric Poetry" by Walker. No. no Corridor Curtain to Special Reading Rooms. No. 111 Reading-Room for United States Senators. No. II2 Reading-Room for Members of the United States House of Representatives, Showing Dielman's "History." No. n3 No. n4 No. u5 No . u6 No. n7 No. n8 No. ng Corridor of the" Evolution of the Book." Main Hall. Upper Corridor Showing Maynard's "Fortitude" and "Justice." View in Second Story Showing Marble Columns. Side View of Upper Stairway. The Rotunda. General Reading-Room from Rotunda. EACH IN TWO SIZES 8 X IO , $0.75 II X 14 , $ I.SO ~ u a ,cl.clitio u to tltc f,0~,e goiug ~,r. ~Oltgtas Vltblislt.cs huo U,O'Oks b o lt u ,ct i u μ o x t f o 1 i o f o x nt illustratiu,e of tlt.c ~ibxa:1:y No. I Contains z 5 photogravures of the decorations and principal architectural features. Each picture is mounted separately. Price, $ L OO . No. 2 Contains z z pictures in color. Representing the originals in color exactly. Each picture is mounted separately on a harmonious colored mount. This is the finest publication of the Library ever issued. Price, $ z .oo. The colored prints are sold separately, unmounted, at z 5 cts.; mounted on bevel -edged mounts, 50 cts. The Evolution of the Book (6 pictures ) is also furnished separatel y. Price, mounted or unmounted, as above. Both portfolios are boxed. Postage, I 5 cts. extra on each portfolio. No. 114. Main H a ll