The Catholic Netherlands, comprehending: 1. The Dutchy of Brabant, divided into Austrian and Dutch Brabant .... 2. The Lordship of Mecheln, to Austria. 3. The Dutchy of Limburg, divided into Austrian and Dutch. 4. Gelderland, or Dutchy of Gelders, divided into Austrian, Prussian and Dutch. 5. The Dutchy of Luxemburg, of which the French possess a small share. 6. The County of Flanders belonging to the Austrian, French and Dutch. 7. Namurois or County of Namur to Austria and a small part to France. 8. County of Haynaut divided between France and Austria. 9. County of Artois, and 10. Cambresis to France. London, printed for Robert Sayer, no. 53 Fleet Street as the Act directs, July 10, 1788.
The Catholic Netherlands, comprehending: 1. The Dutchy of Brabant, divided into Austrian and Dutch Brabant .... 2. The Lordship of Mecheln, to Austria. 3. The Dutchy of Limburg, divided into Austrian and Dutch. 4. Gelderland, or Dutchy of Gelders, divided into Austrian, Prussian and Dutch. 5. The Dutchy of Luxemburg, of which the French possess a small share. 6. The County of Flanders belonging to the Austrian, French and Dutch. 7. Namurois or County of Namur to Austria and a small part to France. 8. County of Haynaut divided between France and Austria. 9. County of Artois, and 10. Cambresis to France. London, printed for Robert Sayer, no. 53 Fleet Street as the Act directs, July 10, 1788.
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