Plan of the Entrance of the Port of Bucarelli on the North West Coast of America, in 55 dgrees 15 minutes of Latitidue North & 136 degrees 15 minutes of Longitude West of Paris:* Discovered in 1775 by the Spanish Schooner la Senora Commanded by D. Juan Fco. de la Quadra & D. Franco. Alto. Maurelle; and more amply explored in the Expedition of 1779 .... Published as the Act directs Novr. 1st 1798, by G.G. & J. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London. Neele, sc. Strand. No. 26.
Plan of the Entrance of the Port of Bucarelli on the North West Coast of America, in 55 dgrees 15 minutes of Latitidue North & 136 degrees 15 minutes of Longitude West of Paris:* Discovered in 1775 by the Spanish Schooner la Senora Commanded by D. Juan Fco. de la Quadra & D. Franco. Alto. Maurelle; and more amply explored in the Expedition of 1779 .... Published as the Act directs Novr. 1st 1798, by G.G. & J. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London. Neele, sc. Strand. No. 26.
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