The United States Gazetteer: Containing an Authentic Description of the Several States. Their Situation, Extent, Boundaries, Soil, Produce, Climate, Population, Trade and Manufactures. Together with the Extent, Boundaries, and Population of their Respective Counties. Also, an Exact account of the Cities, Towns, Harbours, Rivers, Bays, Lakes, Mountains, &c. Illustrated with Nineteen Maps. By Joseph Scott. Philadelphia: Printed By F. & R. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, No. 116, High Street. 1795. (Published according to Act of Congress.)
The United States Gazetteer: Containing an Authentic Description of the Several States. Their Situation, Extent, Boundaries, Soil, Produce, Climate, Population, Trade and Manufactures. Together with the Extent, Boundaries, and Population of their Respective Counties. Also, an Exact account of the Cities, Towns, Harbours, Rivers, Bays, Lakes, Mountains, &c. Illustrated with Nineteen Maps. By Joseph Scott. Philadelphia: Printed By F. & R. Bailey, at Yorick's Head, No. 116, High Street. 1795. (Published according to Act of Congress.)
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