Detail View: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection: Title: Adolf Stieler’s Hand – Atlas. Neu Bearbeitet. Erganzungsheft IV. 1875

Stieler, Adolf, 1775–1836
Short Title: 
Title: Adolf Stieler’s Hand – Atlas. Neu Bearbeitet. Erganzungsheft IV. 1875
Justus Perthes
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Title Page
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Title page to 1875 Stieler's handatlas, supplement IV, special map of Australia in 9 sheets, by A. Petermann.
Full Title: 
(Title to) Adolf Stieler’s Hand – Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde und uber das Weltgebaude. Neu Bearbeitet von Dr. Aug. Petermann, Dr. Herm. Berghaus und Carl Vogel. 90 colorirte karten in kupferstich in 30 lieferungen a a 1 M. 50 Pf. Erganzunsheft VI ... A. Petermann: Specialkarte von Australien in 9 blattern. Gotha : Justus Perthes. 1875.
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Engraver or Printer: 
Petermann, August Heinrich, 1822–78
Engraver or Printer: 
Berghaus, Hermann, 1828–1890
Engraver or Printer: 
Vogel, Carl, 1828-1897
Publication Author: 
Stieler, Adolf, 1775–1836
Pub Date: 
Pub Title: 
Adolf Stieler’s Hand – Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde und uber das Weltgebaude. Neu Bearbeitet von Dr. Aug. Petermann, Dr. Herm. Berghaus und Carl Vogel. 90 colorirte karten ... Gotha : Justus Perthes. 1875.
Pub Note: 
1875, 6th. edition of Stieler’s Hand atlas of the world and of the universe. Published by Justus Perthes of Gotha. It went through ten editions from 1816 to 1945. The first edition, published in 1817 by Stieler and Christian Gottlieb Reichard, with editions continuing well into the 20th century. This is the 6th. edition, with 90 maps dated 1871–75, edited by August Petermann, Hermann Berghaus and Carl Vogel. With additional set of special map of Australia on 9 sheets. This copy is a series of outline color unbound loose maps published in separate paper folders (several of which are included) over several years, placed in hard cover slip case. Some maps on multiple sheets. Maps showing political and administrative boundaries, cities, roads, railroads, canals, rivers, lakes, and mountains. Also showing European possessions and exploration routes. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Depths showing by soundings. Prime meridians: Greenwich, Ferro and Paris. Includes legend, text, profiles, and color coded references. All scans made at 800ppi because the loose maps could be scanned though the sheet scanner at higher resolution than the overhead camera scanner for bound atlases.
Pub List No: 
Pub Type: 
World Atlas
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Pub Height cm: 
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Stieler, Adolf, 1775–1836