David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743
Gueudeville, Nicolas
Short Title:
Tome 7. No.29. Abreg de l'histoire sacre age du monde
L'Honore & Chatelai
Freres Chatelain
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Summary and data visualization of the sacred history of the world.
Phillips 548
World Area:
Data Visualization
Full Title:
Abrege de l'histoire sacre du premiere age du monde. Abrege de l'histoire sacre du seconde age du monde . Abrege de l'histoire sacre du troisieme age du monde. Abrege de l'histoire sacre du quatrieme age du mondeTom. 7. No. 29. (to accompany) Atlas Historique ... A Amsterdam, chez L'Honore & Chatelain Libraires. M DCC XX (1720).
List No:
Page No:
T.VII. No. 29
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Engraver or Printer:
Limiers, Henri Philippe de
Publication Author:
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743
Publication Author:
Gueudeville, Nicolas
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A l'Histoire, aÌ la Chronologie & aÌ la Geìographie Ancienne & Moderne : Repreìsenteìe dans de Nouvelles Cartes, OuÌ l'on remarque l'Etablissement des Etats & Empires du Monde, leur dureìe, leur chute, & leurs differens Gouvernemens … Par Mr. C.***. Avec des Dissertations sur l'Histoire de chaque Etat. Par Mr. Gueudeville. Amsterdam, chez l’Honore & Chatelain. Tome 1-7.
Pub Reference:
Phillips 548
Pub Note:
First edition of this Historical atlas of the world, with new introduction to history and chronology and updated maps, in 7 volumes, dated 1714-1720. By Henri Abraham Chatelain and descriptive text for volumes I-VI, by Nicolas Gueudeville. Include 308 maps, views and charts, some folded, some double page. Vol. 1-2, 4-5 and 7 have added illustrated title-pages. Vol. 2-3, nouvelle. edition, 1720; Vol. 2 called "Tome II, Premiere partie". Vol. 3 called "Tome II, seconde partie.." Vol. 7 has title: Supplement a l’Atlas historique ... avec des dissertations sur chaque sujet, par mr. H.P. Limiers ... Tome VII & dernier. Volumes 1-6 covers: T. I. Grece, Romaine, Italie, France, Espagne, Provinces-Unies. T. II. Allemagne, Prusse, Hongrie, Boheme. T. III. Grande Bretagne, Irlande, Suisse, Savoye, Lorraine, Venise. T. IV. Dannemarck, Suede, Pologne, Moscovie, Turquie. T. V. Asie. T. VI. Afrique. Volumes are bound in brown leather covers with gold-embossed on spine and title "Atlas Historique Tom ..." stamped in gold. "Henri Abraham Chatelain, whose "Atlas Historique" was one of the most expansive Dutch encyclopedias of the age. First published in 1705, Chatelain's Atlas Historique was part of an immense seven-volume encyclopedia. Although the main focus of the text was geography, the work also included a wealth of historical, political, and genealogical information. The text was compiled by Nicholas Gueudeville and Garillon with a supplement by H.P. de Limiers and the maps were engraved by Chatelain, primarily after maps by De L'Isle. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history, chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costumes of the world. The maps in the Atlas Historique were mainly based on those of the French cartographer, Guillaume De L’Isle, but were presented by the Chatelains in an encyclopaedic form. The accompanying text is in French and often is printed in two columns on the page with maps and other illustrations interspersed. Each map and table is numbered consecutively within its volume and all maps bear the privileges of the States of Holland and West-Friesland. An ambitious and beautifully-presented work, the Atlas Historique was intended for the general public, fascinated in the early eighteenth century by the recently conquered colonies and the new discoveries. Distant countries, such as the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, Mongolia, China, Japan, Indonesia, etc., take an important place in this work. In addition to the maps, many of which are based on Guillaume De L'Isle, the plates are after the best travel accounts of the period, such as those of Dapper, Chardin, de Bruyn, Le Hay and other. Other sections deal with the history of the european countries, and covers a wide range of subjects including genealogy, history, cosmography, topography, heraldry and chronology, costume of the world, all illustrated with numerous engraved maps, plates of local inhabitants and heraldic charts of the lineages of the ruling families of the time. The maps, prints and tables required to make up a complete set are listed in detail in each volume. The encyclopaedic nature of the work as a whole is reflected in this six frontispiece. The pages are the work of the celerated mr. Romeijn de Hooghe. and are engraved by J.Goeree, T.Schynyoet and P.Sluyter. New scholarship has suggested the compiler of the atlas, who is identified on the title as "Mr. C***" not to be Henri Abraham Châtelain, but Zacharie Châtelain. (See Van Waning's article in the Journal of the International Map Collectors' Society for persuasive evidence of the latter's authorship.)" (From Paulus Swaen catalog)
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Pub Type:
Historical Atlas
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Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743; Gueudeville, Nicolas
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Tome 7. No.29. Abreg de l'histoire sacre age du monde

Tome 7. No.29. Abreg de l'histoire sacre age du monde