Detail View: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection: Text: Nachricht über den See-Atlantem

Bröuckner, Isaak, 1686-1762.
Short Title: 
Text: Nachricht über den See-Atlantem
Academie Royale des Sciences
Publisher Location: 
Text Page
Obj Height cm: 
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Descriptive text about Atlantic Ocean, 7 pages supplement to the "Nouvel Atlas De Marine".
Phillips, Atlases, 4146; Shirley, British Library, M.BROU-1a
Atlantic Ocean
Full Title: 
(Text Page to) Nachricht über den See-Atlantem, welcher zu Berlin mit Approbation der Konigl. Preussischen Academie der Wissenschafften anno 1749 publiciret worden. (to accompany) Nouvel Atlas De Marine... Par Isaac Brouckner ... Approuve par l’ academie Royale des Sciences a Berlin l’ Annee 1749.
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Engraver or Printer: 
Schmettau, Samuel
Publication Author: 
Bröuckner, Isaak, 1686-1762.
Pub Date: 
Pub Title: 
Nouvel Atlas De Marine Compose d'une Carte Generale, et de XII Cartes Particulieres, qui Representent Le Globe Terrestre jusqu'au 82.e Degre du Cote du Nord, et jusqu'au 60.e du Cote du Sud : Le tout Dresse sur les Observations les plus Nouvelles et les plus approuvees : Dedie Son Excellence Le Comte De Schmettau ... par son tres humble et tres obeissant Serviteur Isaac Brouckner Geographe de S.M.T.C. et Correspondant de l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Paris. Approuve par l’ academie Royale des Sciences a Berlin l’ Annee 1749.
Pub Reference: 
Phillips, Atlases, 4146; Shirley, British Library, M.BROU-1a
Pub Note: 
The First Prussian Sea Atlas. 1 map on 12 double page sheets. Copperplate outline hand colored map of the World on Mercator’s projection, accompanied by key map. Title of atlas on map III. Published in Berlin in 1749 with the approval of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences. Each map laid in loosely in folder, with a small ink stamp of crowned eagle in lower right corner, identified as a Prussian revenue stamp. The atlas includes 7 pages of descriptive text. Map no. [1]: Carte generale du globe terrestre, engraved by N.F. Sauerbrey. Maps showing political boundaries, major cities, rivers, lakes and mountains. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian: Ferro. The atlas was prepared by the Swiss cartographer, Isaac Brouckner, under the auspices of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and under the direction of Field Marshal Count Samuel von Schmettau, to whom it was dedicated. The information based on previously unpublished data which Count von Schmettau placed at Brouckner's disposal. This work is one of the first to show a cartographic reference to Bering's second voyage. From the Warren Heckrott collections.
Pub List No: 
Pub Type: 
World Atlas
Pub Type: 
Chart Atlas
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Pub Height cm: 
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Bröuckner, Isaak, 1686-1762.