Signed by Timothy Edward Downs. "Utilizing nostalgic metaphors of easy exploration was yet another trick that Downs applied to encourage a sense of browsing. A juke box had to be paged through to find things you liked, and to pass over things that weren't an interest at the moment, but at least you were made aware of their existence. An interesting back door gimmick to get interest for viewers at the time." (Curtis Bird, 2020)
Signed by Timothy Edward Downs. "Utilizing nostalgic metaphors of easy exploration was yet another trick that Downs applied to encourage a sense of browsing. A juke box had to be paged through to find things you liked, and to pass over things that weren't an interest at the moment, but at least you were made aware of their existence. An interesting back door gimmick to get interest for viewers at the time." (Curtis Bird, 2020)
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