David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803
Desnos, Louis Charles
Rizzi Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio
Short Title:
Title Page: Le petit neptune Francois ou carte des cotes maritimes du royaume
Grange, Guillyn, Desnos
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Title Page
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Ornamental title page to hand colored chart of the coastal outline of France and the immediate surroundings, sheets 35-37. 4 color maps, 2 unnumbered sheets, 3 double page, 1 folded. Showing coastal towns, ports and harbor, inland is empty, except for Paris. Depth shown by soundings.
Nautical charts
Full Title:
(Title Page to) Le petit neptune Francois ou carte des cotes maritimes du royaume : avec une partie de celles d'Angleterre : dans laquelle on voit les ports ou havres, les bayes, les rades, les sondes, les bancs-de-sable, les rochers, ecueils, caps, &c. Dressee d'apres les cartes hydrographiques particulieres qui ont paru jusqu'a ce jour assujetties aux observations des astronomes et des navia ateurs. Par m. Rizzi Zannoni. A Paris, chez le Sr. Desnos, M.DCCLXVI (1766). (to accompany) Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion ... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire … M. DCC. LXV. (1765).
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Pl. 34
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Engraver or Printer:
Desnos, Louis-Charles, 1725-1805
Engraver or Printer:
Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio
Publication Author:
Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803
Publication Author:
Desnos, Louis Charles
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion, ... pour servir d'introduction au tableau analytique et geographique de ce royaume, dresse par differents geographes ... faisant partie de l'Atlas historique de la France ancienne et modern, mise au jour & dirige par le sieur Desnos, Ingenieur-Geographe pour les Globes & Spheres ... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire … M. DCC. LXV. (1765).
Pub Note:
One of the earliest statistical atlases. Revised edition, eighteenth century atlas of France in 4 parts containing 60 maps and charts, including travel guide, updated by Sieur Desnos. Bound in contemporary French mottled calf, spine gilt with crimson morocco label "Brion - Atlas France". The atlas is the work of two cartographers of the mid-eighteenth century, Royal geographer Louis Brion de la Tour and publisher Louis Charles Desnos. A wide range of statistical information - relating to the population, finances, and government of France - is here presented in interrelated charts and maps. Pagination not in sequence, some pages not numbered. The atlas is comprised of several discrete parts, each with engraved title pages, a full contents, text and dedication: title-page reading 'Coup d'oeil general sur la France.Tableau analytique de la France, engraved title, 33 plates (one large folding, remainder double-page).'Le petit Neptune François, engraved title, 3 double page plates of coastal districts, followed by large folding map captioned "La France divisee en ses LVIII provinces." "L'indicateur fidele ou Guide de Voyageurs", Title, double-page ornamental dedication to Cassini de Thury, followed by 19 maps and charts; followed by letterpress prospectus and both alphabetic place names supplements.
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
National Atlas
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Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803; Desnos, Louis Charles ; Rizzi Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio
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Title Page: Le petit neptune Francois ou carte des cotes maritimes du royaume

Title Page: Le petit neptune Francois ou carte des cotes maritimes du royaume