(Statistical Diagram) Resultats D'Exploitation des Chemins de Fer Francais D'Interet General, en 1891 et 1892. V. Recettes Totales. VI. Impots Percus sur les Transports en Grande Vitesse. (Results comparing exploitation before and after the reform of tariffs: V. Total revenues (not including the tax). VI. Perceived taxes on transport via high speed.)
(Statistical Diagram) Resultats D'Exploitation des Chemins de Fer Francais D'Interet General, en 1891 et 1892. V. Recettes Totales. VI. Impots Percus sur les Transports en Grande Vitesse. (Results comparing exploitation before and after the reform of tariffs: V. Total revenues (not including the tax). VI. Perceived taxes on transport via high speed.)
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