Map of the world depicts the overseas American telephone and telegraph international radio telephone service as of February 1, 1946. Including existing and planned services from facilities in New York, Miami, San Francisco and Seattle with dozens of cities worldwide. Showing existing service indicated by solid lines and plans for the expansion of its international radio telephone system by dashed lines. New radiotelephone circuits were established to connect the United States with Barbados, Egypt, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and the Philippine Islands. Note: "Service with Alaska is furnished over radio facilities of the U.S. Army Communication system Inter.Connected with Bell system wire facilities at Seattle." There was no direct radiotelephone circuit with Barbados, Egypt, New Zealand, and Norway prior to the war. New circuits were authorized between Puerto Rico and the Netherlands West Indies, and between the United States and Austria.
Map of the world depicts the overseas American telephone and telegraph international radio telephone service as of February 1, 1946. Including existing and planned services from facilities in New York, Miami, San Francisco and Seattle with dozens of cities worldwide. Showing existing service indicated by solid lines and plans for the expansion of its international radio telephone system by dashed lines. New radiotelephone circuits were established to connect the United States with Barbados, Egypt, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and the Philippine Islands. Note: "Service with Alaska is furnished over radio facilities of the U.S. Army Communication system Inter.Connected with Bell system wire facilities at Seattle." There was no direct radiotelephone circuit with Barbados, Egypt, New Zealand, and Norway prior to the war. New circuits were authorized between Puerto Rico and the Netherlands West Indies, and between the United States and Austria.