Nautical chart of Aleutian Islands. Latest issue consulted 42-7 on lower left margin. Surveys to 1939. Relief shown by contours, spot heights and hachures. Depths shown by isolines and soundings. Soundings in Fathoms at mean lower water. Heights in feet. Includes magnetic variation compasses, tidal information, authorities, abbreviations, topographic and descriptive text and manuscript notes. "Price 75 cents."
Nautical chart of Aleutian Islands. Latest issue consulted 42-7 on lower left margin. Surveys to 1939. Relief shown by contours, spot heights and hachures. Depths shown by isolines and soundings. Soundings in Fathoms at mean lower water. Heights in feet. Includes magnetic variation compasses, tidal information, authorities, abbreviations, topographic and descriptive text and manuscript notes. "Price 75 cents."