Detail View: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection: Generalnaia karta Kostromskoi gubernii = Carte generale du gouvernement de Kostroma

Piadyshev, Vasilii Petrovich, 1758-1835
Short Title: 
Generalnaia karta Kostromskoi gubernii = Carte generale du gouvernement de Kostroma
Voenno-topograficheskoe Depo.
Publisher Location: 
St. Petersburg
Atlas Map
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Engraved hand colored in outline map. Showing provincial and district borders, rivers, roads, postal tracks and stations, landmarks, churches, major cities, towns, villages, etc. Distances are shown in versts. Legend and place names in Russian and French.
Full Title: 
Generalnaia karta Kostromskoi gubernii : S pokazaniem pochtovykh i bolshikh proezzhikh dorog, stantsii i razstoianiia mezhdu onymi verst. Sochinena po noveishim i dostovernym svedeniiam, v S-t Peterburge 1829 goda = Carte generale du gouvernement de Kostroma. Sochinil i grav. Piadyshev. Vyr. Slova Finagenov. (to accompany) Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi Imperii = Atlas geographique de l' empire de Russie. No.31.
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Engraver or Printer: 
Faleleev, I.
Engraver or Printer: 
Engraver or Printer: 
Engraver or Printer: 
Engraver or Printer: 
Engraver or Printer: 
Ivanov, M.
Publication Author: 
Piadyshev, Vasilii Petrovich, 1758-1835
Pub Date: 
Pub Title: 
Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi Imperii : tsarstva Polskago i Velikago kniazhestva Finliandskago : raspolozhennyia po guberniiam na 83 listakh : s oznacheniem v onykh gorodov, miestechek, sel, derevenʹ i vsiekh primiechatelnieishikh miest, pochtovykh i dolshikh proiezzhikh dorog, stantsii i razstoianiia mezhdu onymi, i prochimi seleniiami v verstakh : s generalnoiu kartoiu i tablitseiu razstoianiia verst po pochtovym dorogam mekhdu znatnieiashimi gorodami na dvukh iazykakh : Sochinen po noveiashim i dostovernym svedeniiam v polzu obuchaiushchikhcia Rossiiskoi Teografii, i dlia sostavleniia dorozhnikov puteshestvennikam -sluzhashchim pri glavnom shtabe Ego Imperatorskago Velichestva v Voenno-topograficheskom depo, chinovnikom 6go. klassa Pidyshevym ; Nachat 1820go. okonchen 1827go. vnov inspravlen v 1828 M. gody = Atlas geographique de l' empire de Russie : du royaume de Pologne et du grand duche de Finlande : divise en gouvernemens, avec l'indication des villes, bourgs, grands et petits villages, et des endroits les plus remarquables, ainsi que des routes de poste et grands chemins praticables, des stations et de la distance en verstes entr eux et autres endroits habites, explique en deux langues : avec une carte generale, et un tableau de la distance en verstes entre les principales villes situees sur les chemins de poste, en 83 feuilles : compose d'apres les plus nouveaux et authentiques renseignemens a l'usage de ceux qui desirent de connaitre la geographie de la Russie, et de former des itineraires pour les voyageurs, par le fontionnaire dela 6e. classe Piadischeff, employe au Depot Topographique militaire, dans l'etat-major de la Majeste Imperiale ; commence en 1820 et termine en 1827, reve et corrige en 1828.
Pub Note: 
Geographical Atlas of the Russian Empire and the Neighboring Polish Empire and Grand Duchy of Finland. Also covers Siberia, Alaska and part of America. With the distance of postal routes between provincial cities and neighboring provinces, started in 1820, finished in 1827, it was amended in 1828 gg. 83 plates some folded, in Russian and French; some maps in German, and Polish. With Engraved title page and index. Maps dated 1829, hand colored in outline, engraved by M. Ivanov, Faleleev, Eremin, Finagenov, Shkatov, and Frolov. Produced by the Russian Imperial Army General Staff Topographic Depot. Showing provinces, cities, towns, villages, landmarks, roads, tracks, postal roads and Stations, distances between places, a table of the distance miles on postal road between the major towns. Bound in half leather marbled paper covered boards with "Piadyshev - Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi Imperii - Piadischeff - Atlas geographique de l' empire de Russie " stamped in gilt on the spine. "Composed at the latest and reliable information, in favor of studying the Russian Geography and for compiling Road travelers."
Pub List No: 
Pub Type: 
Regional Atlas
Pub Type: 
National Atlas
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Piadyshev, Vasilii Petrovich, 1758-1835