Detail View: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection: Text Page: (Continues) Isolario del P. Coronelli. Parte II. Kiel

Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)
Accademia cosmografica degli Argonauti.
Short Title: 
Text Page: (Continues) Isolario del P. Coronelli. Parte II. Kiel
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Continues text to Isolario del P. Coronelli. Parte II. With Engraved panoramic view of Kiel.
Full Title: 
(Text Page to) Isolario del P. Coronelli. (With view) Kiel. (to accompany) Isolario descrittione geografico-historica, sacro-profana, antico-moderna ... e in supplimento dei XIV volumi del Bleau. Tomo II dell' Atlante veneto. Opera, e Studio del P. Maestro Vincenzo Coronelli ... A Spese dell Auttore MDCLXXXXVI.
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Publication Author: 
Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)
Publication Author: 
Accademia cosmografica degli Argonauti.
Pub Date: 
Pub Title: 
Isolario descrittione geografico-historica, sacro-profana, antico-moderna, politica, naturale, e poetica, mari, golfi, seni, piagge, porti, barche, pesche, promontori, monti, boschi, fiumi, laghi, stagni, bagni, volcani, miniere, gemme, richezze, e monete; iscrittioni, linguaggi, governi, forze, armate, guerre, aleanze, acquisti, perdite, tregue, trattati di pace, religioni claustrali, ed equestri; concili, e missioni; vescovadi, arcivescouadi, e patriarcati; leggi, costumi, habiti, blasoni, accademie, huomini illustri, ed ogni pui esatta notitia di tuttel'isole coll'osservationi degli scogli sirti, scagni, e secche del globo terracqueo. : Aggiuntivi anche i ritratti de dominatori di esse. Ornato di trecento-dieci tavole geografiche, topografiche, corografiche, iconografiche, scenografiche, idrografiche, e potamografiche; a'maggiore dilucidatione, ed uso della Navigatione, e in supplimento dei XIV volumi del Bleau. Tomo II dell' Atlante veneto. Opera, e Studio del P. Maestro Vincenzo Coronelli ... A Spese dell Auttore MDCLXXXXVI (1696). (half title) Isolario dell'Atlante Veneto de P. Coronelli, parte II, In Venetia MDCLXXXXVII (1697).
Pub Note: 
Coronelli's Isolario Atlante Veneto, (1691-1692; 1696-98), in 2 volumes in 2 parts. This is the second part of volume 2. The first part of volume 2 covers the Mediterranean, Italy and the Adriatic; the second (this copy), covers Britain and Europe, Africa, Japan and Asia, and the West Indies. Each volume with engraved titles, half-titles, titles of Isolario, engraved architectural frontispieces, portraits, views, charts, text and 24 engraved maps, using the latest geographical information available. Many of the more important maps were engraved on two sheets, to allow greater detail. Coronelli's Isolario is considered to be one of the most decorative atlases of 17th century. Illustrated in Coronelli's unique style, it is a comprehensive survey of the islands of the world as known in his time, along with diagrams of various nautical weather conditions, instruments, fortresses and ship diagrams. Collation of Coronelli's atlases varies greatly; this copy is complete, but we have seen other copies with more maps and globe gores added. Coronelli, an Italian theologian, cartographer and geographer, was author or contributor to over 140 titles and produced several hundred maps, either printed separately or as parts of atlases.
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Pub Type: 
World Atlas
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Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718); Accademia cosmografica degli Argonauti.