A complete course of geography, by means of instructive games, invented by the Abbe Gaultier. Collated with the author's last Paris edition, and digested for Europe conformably to the territorial arrangements of the Pacification of 1815, by Jehoshaphat Aspin. In three parts. The first part, containing the game of simple geography, for teaching the names and situations of the different countries and places of the Earth. The second part, containing a concise treatise on the artificial sphere. The third part, containing a geographical game, illustrative of ancient and modern history ... London: printed for John Harris and Son, corner of St. Paul's Church-yard. 1821. (on verso) London: printed by S. and R. Bentley, Dorset-Street, Fleet-Street.
A complete course of geography, by means of instructive games, invented by the Abbe Gaultier. Collated with the author's last Paris edition, and digested for Europe conformably to the territorial arrangements of the Pacification of 1815, by Jehoshaphat Aspin. In three parts. The first part, containing the game of simple geography, for teaching the names and situations of the different countries and places of the Earth. The second part, containing a concise treatise on the artificial sphere. The third part, containing a geographical game, illustrative of ancient and modern history ... London: printed for John Harris and Son, corner of St. Paul's Church-yard. 1821. (on verso) London: printed by S. and R. Bentley, Dorset-Street, Fleet-Street.
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