Sectional Aeronautical Chart. Prescott (R-3) sheet. Lambert Conformal Conic projection. Relief shown by contours, spot heights and gradient tints. "Restricted" at upper right and lower left margins. Coverage includes portions of Arizona and New Mexico. Includes index to published adjoining sheets 1:500,000 sectional aeronautical charts, legend, insignia of U.S. Dept. of Commerce and gradient of elevation chart. Shows roads, railroads, airfields, civil airports, radio ranges and stations, cities. towns, etc.
Sectional Aeronautical Chart. Prescott (R-3) sheet. Lambert Conformal Conic projection. Relief shown by contours, spot heights and gradient tints. "Restricted" at upper right and lower left margins. Coverage includes portions of Arizona and New Mexico. Includes index to published adjoining sheets 1:500,000 sectional aeronautical charts, legend, insignia of U.S. Dept. of Commerce and gradient of elevation chart. Shows roads, railroads, airfields, civil airports, radio ranges and stations, cities. towns, etc.