Date estimated. Map and brochure. Hermann Bollmann (1911-1971) was a German cartographer who brought his training as a graphic artist to bear on the German tradition of Vogelschaukarten (bird's-eye-view maps). A version of this pictorial map of New York City was included as part of the "Official World's Fair Edition" map and guide for the 1964 World's Fair. For this map Bollman's staff designed and built special cameras and took over 67,000 photographs of the city, 17,000 of which were from the air. The actual drawing was done by hand and is very accurate although streets are wider and some features are exaggerated for clarity. At the time of this map, over half the world's skyscrapers were in New York City. A folded copy tucked into a multilingual brochure, a guide to sights and destinations in New York City.
Date estimated. Map and brochure. Hermann Bollmann (1911-1971) was a German cartographer who brought his training as a graphic artist to bear on the German tradition of Vogelschaukarten (bird's-eye-view maps). A version of this pictorial map of New York City was included as part of the "Official World's Fair Edition" map and guide for the 1964 World's Fair. For this map Bollman's staff designed and built special cameras and took over 67,000 photographs of the city, 17,000 of which were from the air. The actual drawing was done by hand and is very accurate although streets are wider and some features are exaggerated for clarity. At the time of this map, over half the world's skyscrapers were in New York City. A folded copy tucked into a multilingual brochure, a guide to sights and destinations in New York City.
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