Mapa turistico de America del Sur. (with) Mapa fisico de America del Sur. (and with 11 insets). (on verso) Mapa panoramico de America del Sur. (Scale: 1:8,772,000). (with 3 insets). Copyright, General Drafting Co., Inc. Convent Station, N.J., U.S. Esso Touring Service, Foreign Department, 15 West 51 Street, New York 19, N.Y., E.U.A. Lithographed in U.S.A. (cover title) Guia turistica de America del Sur. Este mapa se obtiene Gratuitamente en los servicentros Esso. Celebrate April 14th. Pan American Day. Impreso en E.U.A.
Mapa turistico de America del Sur. (with) Mapa fisico de America del Sur. (and with 11 insets). (on verso) Mapa panoramico de America del Sur. (Scale: 1:8,772,000). (with 3 insets). Copyright, General Drafting Co., Inc. Convent Station, N.J., U.S. Esso Touring Service, Foreign Department, 15 West 51 Street, New York 19, N.Y., E.U.A. Lithographed in U.S.A. (cover title) Guia turistica de America del Sur. Este mapa se obtiene Gratuitamente en los servicentros Esso. Celebrate April 14th. Pan American Day. Impreso en E.U.A.
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