Mollhausen, Baldwin; (Lange, Henry)
Short Title:
Covers: Diary to the Pacific. Mollhausen, Vol. I
Brown et al. Longman.
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Impressive map of the Southwest entitled, "Map Illustrating Baldwin Mollhausen's Travels from the Mississippi to the Coast of the Pacific, in the years 1853-1854." Map engraved by Edward Weller. 2 volumes, with an introduction by Humboldt. Excellent account. The map is an English copy of the German edition original by Henry Lange. Mollhausen was the topographer accompanying the Whipple expedition of 1853 for the Pacific Railroad Surveys. In addition to the maps and lithographs, there are 12 woodcut illustrations, chiefly of Indian utensils and drawings. Volumes bound separately in red leather with "Oxford Local Examinations, London" stamped in gilt on each cover.
Wheat 956; Howes M713; Graff 2849; WC 305:2; Streeter 3134.
U.S. Southwest
Full Title:
(Covers to) Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific With a United States Government Expedition. By Baldwin Mollhausen Topographical Draughtsman and Naturalist to the Expedition. With An Introduction by Alexander von Humboldt and Illustrations in Chromo-Lithography. Translated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. In Two Volumes. Vol. I London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts. 1858.
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Engraver or Printer:
Weller, Edward
Publication Author:
Mollhausen, Baldwin; (Lange, Henry)
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific With a United States Government Expedition. By Baldwin Mollhausen Topographical Draughtsman and Naturalist to the Expedition. With An Introduction by Alexander von Humboldt and Illustrations in Chromo-Lithography. Translated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. In Two Volumes. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts. 1858.
Pub Reference:
Wheat 956; Howes M713; Graff 2849; WC 305:2; Streeter 3134.
Pub Note:
Impressive map of the Southwest entitled, "Map Illustrating Baldwin Mollhausen's Travels from the Mississippi to the Coast of the Pacific, in the years 1853-1854." Map engraved by Edward Weller. 2 volumes, with an introduction by Humboldt. Excellent account. The map is an English copy of the German edition original by Henry Lange. Mollhausen was the topographer accompanying the Whipple expedition of 1853 for the Pacific Railroad Surveys. In addition to the maps and lithographs, there are 12 woodcut illustrations, chiefly of Indian utensils and drawings. Volumes bound separately in red leather with "Oxford Local Examinations, London" stamped in gilt on each cover.
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
Exploration Book
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Mollhausen, Baldwin; (Lange, Henry)