Burlington Route C.B. & Q.R.R. Chicago, Peoria or St. Louis direct to Denver. Fall edition 1885 ... Nov., 1885. Rand, McNally & Co., Printers and Engravers, Chicago. (map on verso) Correct map of the Burlington Route C.B. & Q.R.R. and connecting lines. Copyright, 1883, by Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago. Rand, McNally & Co., Engr's, Chicago. (untitled inset maps of route from Chicago to Australia). (inset map) Map showing location of railroad depots, public buildings, etc. in Chicago,
Burlington Route C.B. & Q.R.R. Chicago, Peoria or St. Louis direct to Denver. Fall edition 1885 ... Nov., 1885. Rand, McNally & Co., Printers and Engravers, Chicago. (map on verso) Correct map of the Burlington Route C.B. & Q.R.R. and connecting lines. Copyright, 1883, by Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago. Rand, McNally & Co., Engr's, Chicago. (untitled inset maps of route from Chicago to Australia). (inset map) Map showing location of railroad depots, public buildings, etc. in Chicago,
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