Another National Atlas U.S. map issued separately as a Civil War map by Stanford. This is the same map as the 1861 U.S. with Charleston Inset, except that the inset is changed to a map of "The Bahama Islands Shewing the position of the Paradon Grande Light House Near which the Trent was boarded by the San Jacinto, Nov. 1861." Slave holding states are shown in printed full color. Map is dissected into 15 sections and mounted on linen with burgundy cloth end sheets 21x14 labeled with "No. XIII, United States, 1861" in ms.
Another National Atlas U.S. map issued separately as a Civil War map by Stanford. This is the same map as the 1861 U.S. with Charleston Inset, except that the inset is changed to a map of "The Bahama Islands Shewing the position of the Paradon Grande Light House Near which the Trent was boarded by the San Jacinto, Nov. 1861." Slave holding states are shown in printed full color. Map is dissected into 15 sections and mounted on linen with burgundy cloth end sheets 21x14 labeled with "No. XIII, United States, 1861" in ms.