Reissue of 1848 2nd edition. Wheat says that only one copy of the map without the "2nd edition" added exists; he doesn't say where; also he says that only one copy exists, at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, with 2nd edition and no date after it (the true 2nd edition of 1848). Wheat's copy is like this one, as is the Huntington Library copy. There are no changes other than colored boundaries and the addition of New Mexico in type, between this and the 1848 edition. Map is folded into yellow card board covers 14x9 printed with "Hutawa's Traveling Map Of Mexico, And California."
Reissue of 1848 2nd edition. Wheat says that only one copy of the map without the "2nd edition" added exists; he doesn't say where; also he says that only one copy exists, at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, with 2nd edition and no date after it (the true 2nd edition of 1848). Wheat's copy is like this one, as is the Huntington Library copy. There are no changes other than colored boundaries and the addition of New Mexico in type, between this and the 1848 edition. Map is folded into yellow card board covers 14x9 printed with "Hutawa's Traveling Map Of Mexico, And California."