JCB Political Cartoons
Accession number:
Call number:
F720 G876t2 /2-SIZE
Afbeeldinge van 't zeer vermaarde Eiland Geks-kop, gelégen in de Actie-zé, ontdekt door Monsr. Lau-rens, werdende bewoond door een verzámeling van alderhande volkeren, die men dézen generálen naam (actionisten) geeft.
Image technique:
engraved plate [57]
Image dimensions:
39 x 45 cm.
Narrative description:
Investment schemes. [Picture of the very famous island of Madhead, situated in the Sea of Shares, and inhabited by a collection of all kinds of people, to whom are given the general name of actionists.] Map of an island in the shape of a fool's head with ass's ears. It includes at the center the town of Quinqempoix (after the name of a street in Paris which had the headquarters of the Compagnie des Indes) and it is surrounded by the island of Poverty, Sadness, and Despair. The "map"� rests on a sarcophagus or tomb. On the left is a scene of a mob storming the offices of John Law's company in a town and on the right is a land-vessel or ship with wheels (symbol of a far-fetched scheme) which has a flag saying "To Viane." Vianen was a "free city" during the Middle Ages and anyone who could pay the toll to enter the city would be granted sanctuary from creditors. Above the two scenes are small vignettes of a man near an empty treasure chest and in the other a man weeps on a street. Also includes an owl and a monkey or ape.
BM 1682
In: Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid, vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, gepleegt in den jaare MDCCXX, [Amsterdam], 1720. This book is volume 1 of a collection of Dutch satires on the Mississippi and South Sea bubbles.
South Sea Bubble
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Afbeeldinge van 't zeer vermaarde Eiland Geks-kop, gelégen in de Actie-zé, ontdekt door Mo...

Afbeeldinge van 't zeer vermaarde Eiland Geks-kop, gelégen in de Actie-zé, ontdekt door Monsr. Lau-rens, werdende bewoond door een verzámeling van alderhande volkeren, die men dézen generálen naam (actionisten) geeft.