Investment schemes. [Monument consecrated to posterity in memory of the unbelievable folly of the 20th year of the 18th century.] A scene on the rue Quinquenpoix, [Amsterdam], in which Fate in the form of a naked female showers the crowds with shares. Her chariot is drawn by figures representing the South Sea Company, the Mississippi Company wearing a feathered headdress, the West India Company, the bank, a figure with "Indes" wearing a Dutch hat and windmill [?] representing the Dutch mania for shares, and a youthful female figure labeled “Assura.” Also in the chariot is a fool wearing a hoop skirt, a cock representing France, a lion representing England, and another lion grasping the arrow of the Seven United Provinces. Above a devil blows bubbles, while a woman is run over and men fight in the street. Also includes mushrooms, books, mice, and money.
Investment schemes. [Monument consecrated to posterity in memory of the unbelievable folly of the 20th year of the 18th century.] A scene on the rue Quinquenpoix, [Amsterdam], in which Fate in the form of a naked female showers the crowds with shares. Her chariot is drawn by figures representing the South Sea Company, the Mississippi Company wearing a feathered headdress, the West India Company, the bank, a figure with "Indes" wearing a Dutch hat and windmill [?] representing the Dutch mania for shares, and a youthful female figure labeled “Assura.” Also in the chariot is a fool wearing a hoop skirt, a cock representing France, a lion representing England, and another lion grasping the arrow of the Seven United Provinces. Above a devil blows bubbles, while a woman is run over and men fight in the street. Also includes mushrooms, books, mice, and money.
Narrative description